
1 World Smiling :)

In the interest of supporting a young entrepreneur who wants to remind us all to smile, we thought we would share this:

My name is Jaylen, I am nine years old, and I just wanted to share a little about my business with you. During the Covid lockdown, I noticed that there was a lot more sadness in the world than there usually is. With masks on, it was almost impossible to see people smile, which made me feel down. Later, I came up with an idea of a yellow and white bracelet with the words “All it takes is a smile” because I wanted to spread smiles.

I went to my grandpa with this idea, knowing he has created many bracelets for family in the past. He loved the idea and its message. My grandpa got all of the legal paperwork done such as tax and copyrights. We came up with the name 1 World Smiling and a logo with a smiling earth. Once we started selling T-shirts, we decided to spread the smile even more by donating some of our proceeds to the Food Bank.

You can help spread the smiles by visiting our website at http://www.1worldsmiling.com and purchasing one of our products.

Thank You,
Jaylen Y.

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