
New Year, Less Clutter

So many things have been written about simplifying and decluttering our lives. When you have kids you just have more stuff…it’s unavoidable! The new year is a great time to go through your kids’ things and make decisions about what is important, what is needed and what can find a new home. Here is a great article by Courtney Carver entitled 5 Powerful Resources for Decluttering Your Home and Living More Simply that offers a list of resources to help you in your cleaning out process. There are blogs, books, movies, classes, you name it there is a source to help you!

When you have gone through the process of choosing items to let go of, the Austin Kid’s Directory has some great advertisers who offer resale opportunities. Listed below are links to their websites and facebook pages.

Kid to Kid North Austin – http://kidtokid.com/austin/, https://www.facebook.com/austinkidtokid/?fref=ts

Kid to Kid South Austin – http://kidtokid.com/southaustin/, https://www.facebook.com/Kid-to-Kid-South-Austin-1658032774424081/?fref=ts

Style Encore NW Austin (Women’s clothing & Accessories) – http://www.style-encorenwaustin.com/, https://www.facebook.com/StyleEncoreNWAustin/?fref=ts

SparkleKIDS Upscale Retail – http://www.sparklekidsresale.com/, http://www.facebook.com/sparklekidsresale

Fairytale Threads (Seasonal Buying and Selling Events) – http://fairytalethreads.com/, https://www.facebook.com/FairytaleThreads/?fref=ts

We would love to hear about other resources and tips that have proved to be helpful in your decluttering process!

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