
It’s Time for the Bluebonnet Jack Giveaway!

We offer a “Hunt for Jack” Giveaway several times a year and right now kids can hunt for Jack in the Bluebonnets! He is hidden in 4 of our ads in the March and April issues. In order to enter the giveaway, your family just needs to flip through the issue and find the 4 images of Jack in the bluebonnets and then send an email to contest@kidsdirectory.com and let us know where you found him. We’ve got a great variety of prizes this time around that include:

4 passes for a round of golf at Monster Mini Golf

1 child’s T-shirt from Bonzo Crunch

1 POGO Pass (admission to over 20 attractions)

4 passes to Playland Skate Center

2 family passes to Mt. Playmore

4 tickets to a Round Rock Express Game

4 free one hour plays at Dart’Em Up

4 tickets to Sherwood Forest Faire (winner already selected:)

So go for a stroll in the (virtual) bluebonnets and get your entry submitted!

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